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The goal of UDL and differentiation in the classroom is to meet the unique needs of all learners. The implementation of these strategies is not only helpful for special education students, but for general education students as well.

Click here to view the CDC suggestions for inclusion in the classroom. There are connections made to the legislation and expectations of teachers in the classroom.

View this video to learn more about UDL.

View this video to learn more about differentiated instruction.

Accommodations vs Modifications

Before taking a look at how to differentiate instruction, teachers must understand the difference between accommodations and modifications.



supports given to students that help them access the curriculum and demonstrate understanding

ie. an audio version of a text



These change HOW the child is learning.



changes made to the curriculum to match the student

ie. different passages or text




These change WHAT the child is learning.

These are the four categories involved in making accommodations for students.

View this attachment to learn more about the processes involved in modifying curriculum.

Tools to Differentiate Instruction

Below are some tools that teachers can implement in their classroom to differentiate instruction for students.

Click here to view a sample accommodation and modification log.

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